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Please send your enquiry to our contacts email and phone or fill up the following form just below

Sales Team
Via Carlo Dell’Acqua, 1
20027 Rescaldina (MI) – ITALY
Tel: +39 0331 1561323

    Audco Italiana in according to Flowserve Export Policy, ask you to indicate on your enquiry: end user name, address and country of destination. Fields marked with * are required.

    Privacy Policy*

    For the purposes of the EU GDPR Regulation n. 2016/679 concerning the processing and protection of personal data of persons, we inform you that the processing of personal data provided and acquired will be processed in compliance with the regulations set.

    Flowserve’s non-US subsidiaries (including Audco Italiana) have decided to undertake a phased-withdrawal from conducting any new business in the Iran, Syria and Sudan markets, effective from the 1st January 2007. Consequently, you are not permitted to re-export any Flowserve products for end-use in any of these countries without express written permission from Flowserve. It is your obligation to comply with all applicable national and international export, re-export, and/or economic sanctions laws and regulations and to obtain necessary government approval prior to the export and/or re-export of Flowserve products and/or technology. Please be aware that diversion of Flowserve products is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with all applicable export, re-export and/or economic sanctions laws and regulations may result in serious consequences including, without limitation, monetary fines, loss of export privileges, imprisonment and/or blacklisting by government bodies. For more information please contact your Flowserve Customer Service Representative.

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